Dad – The understated Hero

Papa, a word which brings an image of strong, stable and stern man. A person who wore the same expression of a short smile, in any conversation I had with him. Whether it was the good grades in boards or my position in any event, your replies were always the same. ‘Good, let’s focus on next’, with the same short-stern expression was what I got, in answer to the good news I brought to you.

The same happened when I brought you the news of my job. The same reply was heard over the phone, with probably the same patented expression. I felt the tinge of sting as I was expecting a celebration in the voice of yours instead of the plain one I heard over the phone.

I always had a secret wish of getting some words of appreciation on every milestone I achieved. Maybe this was the reason, I started distancing from you. Our conversations dropped to lowest of frequencies, when I left home. The kid inside me, always dreamt of the filmy-dads who were a kind of perfection, one who was a more of a friend. I never got a chance to have ‘that’ conversation with you.

But an incident in the recent past, shook me off. When I got the placements, Maa asked you to bring some sweets for offerings. But you asked her to wait till Tuesday. You too, wanted to go to the Temple for thanking the Almighty, for the gift he gave me. I was shocked Dad, when I came to know this. You are an atheist, deep down, to the roots of your believe. You never went to the steps of the temples, even at your lowest. But papa you went there for me. The world celebrates Mothers, but we need Fathers too.

I seldom talk to you, Dad. But I need you to know that I love you and I am proud to be your son.

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